MI_42821 World Mission Sunday - Kenya

World Mission Sunday - Kenya

The missio campaign for World Mission Sunday on 23 October 2022 focuses on the challenges facing the Church as a result of migration and urbanisation in Kenya. With about 7.5 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, the rapidly growing East African metropolis of Nairobi is on the threshold of becoming a megacity. Every day, people from the surrounding areas flock to the city in the hope of finding work and a better future. Around 60 percent of Nairobi's urban population live in several large slums on only six percent of the city's area. That is why the Kenyan Bishops' Conference has been giving pastoral priority to the formation of small Christian communities for years.

Die missio-Aktion 2022 steht unter dem Leitwort „Ich will euch Zukunft und Hoffnung geben“ aus dem 29. Kapitel des Jeremiabuchs. Der Brief des Propheten an die Exilierten in Babylonien erzählt davon, dass in der Fremde etwas Neues entstehen kann, dass auch unter schwierigen Bedingungen neue Formen entstehen können, den Glauben zu leben.

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